23 January 2013

The Mechanicum Transport

This is an old project that has recently gotten a bit of momentum after receiving a GSI Tentacle Maker for Christmas. Mmmm... tentacles. This is an awesome tool for creating textured tentacles or, in this case, cabling for Mechanicus conversions. Very easy to use and pretty robust, I suspect it will find extensive use in the future. 

But onward to the model, the transport vehicle (counts as Ghost Ark) for the Tech-guard. The idea for model came to mind after seeing another person's Mechanicum transport at my local GW store which was very pretty indeed. But seeing that model reminded me of another type of transport from a totally different, yet underrated, game. I present the UEF air transport from Supreme Commander.

Simple,utilitarian, effective. All the hallmarks of a Mechanicus vehicle, the only problem is that it is not red. The model I built is based on the Space Marine Storm Talon, elongated with the barrel of the Necron Doomsday cannon. The Storm Talon's tail was cut off (carefully) at the first section of armour plating and the Doomsday cannon was shoved (carefully) into the hole.

The next thing to wrack my mind was how to do the harnesses. The idea I had was buy a Space Marine Drop Pod and use the harnesses from that, there are 10 in a box, I thought I was so smart. This idea gave me a whole host of trouble as I tried to fit them on. I finally settled on the following configuration and I'm happy with it. Simple, utilitarian, effective.

After receiving a tentacle maker I just had to use it. No vehicle of the Mechanicum is complete without bare cabling all over it. It was easy to go over board but I really restrained myself to not go crazy. What I ended up adding was just a few cables running from the main 'head' of the vehicle into the spine. 

This is what the transport currently looks like. 

The only details left are the holes for engines and the front of the transport. I decided not to give the thing engines and was planning to put the Machina Opus on either side. That's the symbol of the Adeptus Mechanicus for the non-cyborg nuts. Now, I suck at free-hand painting so I'm trying to find a skull big enough to fit the bill to stick on. I think I've found a piece, so we shall see how that goes. The Ghost Ark itself has the ability to repair Necron warriors on the fly, and as a skimmer I've always had the image of some form of bottom feeder look to the front. Crawling through the wreckage of the battlefield, salvaging bits of men and equipment to fix back up. So, I took some small Necron claws, syringes and lashes from the Spyder kit and made Cthulhu. These are currently blue-tacked on as I'm still contemplating how to aesthetically attach them to the main body.

More to come when more work gets done.

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