06 July 2012

The Kramer VI Incident

Not a post about Kit-bashing but with the new 6th Edition rules out this called for a small introductory game just to test the rules and give our models a test drive (sorry no pictures).

The line up: Blood Angels vs. Imperial Guard
Points Value: 750

Needless to say there was a lot of page flicking to this game. My Angels got beaten back but it was fun and it did give us a chance to play test the new rules to accustomise ourselves and maybe give the game a little bit of narrative.

Man of the match: Assault Marine that survived; 6 Autocannon shots, 6 Heavy Bolter rounds, 3 Sniper shots, 6 Multilaser shots and a shot from a lasgun in a single shooting phase. He finally fell to a psyker's psychic scream. Beaten but not dead I think, it will be fitting that he'll be back for more in the future.

And just because it gives it a little bit more flavour here's a bit of in-character fluff to go with.

+++Transmission Record Re: Kramer VI Incident+++

Servitor 07.A59.X

"Lost? What do you mean lost?"

"The recon patrol we sent did not report back at the specified time, I had no choice-."

"Do not give excuses. I do not have patience for excuses. Tell me you have the artefact."

"The artefact is lost my Lord."

"Failure is a heresy Sergeant, I expect you to redeem yourself. What were the casualties of this engagement?"

"Captain, twenty battle brothers in total. Librarian Aelius was amongst the fallen."

"Your failures are mounting Sergeant. What information do we have of the enemy?"

"From our reports it was the Imperial Guard, Captain."

"Heretics! What sanity have these Guardmen lost to fire upon the Space Marines?"

"They were lead by an Inquisitor my Lord."

"What is the source of this information?"

"... There was a survivor. What we've extracted from him was that an Inquisitor was involved. He claims the Inquisitor took the artefact with him. "

"Inquisitor or no, he has stolen what is rightfully ours and taken the blood of our Brothers. Gather your Battle-Brothers Sergeant, we shall show his man what it means to cross the Space Marines."

"What of Brother Valerius, the survivor my Lord? His body is harmed but his mind has gone mad, he's succumbed to the Black Rage."

"A shame that a Brother has succumbed this day. Induct him into the Death Company Sergeant. He'll have his chance to right what has been wronged."

Extract from Guardsmen Herman's Confessions


We didn't mean it. We didn't they just... came out of nowhere. It was all dark that morning, we just got orders to go scout an area around some old abandoned space port then BANG! before we know it we were being shot at! 

So we shot back. We couldn't see a thing but we shot back. Then the sun started to come up and they came out of the darkness. Throne, they were Space Marines. We shot at Space Marines! Our orders were to hold our ground for some VIP package  coming in by air so we called in the rest of of our unit back to reinforce us. 

I can't believe I'm even here and alive. Throne it scares me to even think about it. We managed to push the Marines back... for a while. Then came this big red tank spewing fire and death every which way. We had to retreat, we lost two boys to the flames before luckily the thing smashed itself into a brick wall and got stuck. The Emperor had our backs that day.

Our reinforcements finally arrived and they cut down the remaining Space Marines. They put up a brave fight but one by one they fell. The last of them fell but one of them broke cover when our boys got a bit cocky and strayed too close. We lost a full squad of Guardsmen to a single Marine with a chainsword. He fought like a man possessed, we poured all our fire on him but it bounced off him like he had the luck of the Emperor. Not a single scratch dented his armour.

He just kept coming! Swinging wildly towards us until I heard the most awful gut retching scream, then the Marine just dropped, like a log. I don't think we actually shot the madman, Johnny with the scope said he saw some fancy Inquisitor blast the Marine.

We got lucky today. I know that. I didn't want to shoot at Space Marines it just happened they left us no choice. God-Emperor help us I hope we did the right thing.

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